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Johns Manville Insul-SHIELD Fiber Glass Insulating Board and Roll ...
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Energy Shield® R-value | Atlas Roofing.An ion’s eye view of an electrostatic quadrupole lens and the mass spectrometer for which the lens was designed. SHRIMP RG is an ion microprobe mass spectrometer
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KitchenAid Pouring Shield 5-Quart
Rev. Sci. Instrum. - Review of Scientific.Standard Thickness: in: 1/2: 5/8: 3/4: 1.0: 1.5: 2.0: 2.5: 3.0: 3.5: mm: 13: 16: 19: 25: 38: 51: 64: 76: 89: R-value** 3.0: 3.8: 4.5: 6.0: 9.0: 12.1: 15.3: 18.5: 21.7